Friday, March 24, 2017


I always find it amusing reading articles about age appropriate chores for kids. They are always capable of helping, whether they realize it or not! I find those lists funny, as well as chore charts with reward systems. My kids love to help me clean, at least at this age. Even Hailey wants to help sweep up her morning mess. She was determined to get this Cheerio with the broom and had fun dragging the broom around. Have to start somewhere!

 Levi started feeding the dog at 2, and helps keep the weeds and grass out of the gravel around the house. Him and Mattie also love to help me go around and pull the "pokey plants" using their gloves. And if you need anything dusted or wiped down, give them a rag and there are not enough surfaces that they want to clean! I seriously run out of things for them to clean as they stand around asking, "what else?!?!" Levi also loves to vacuum and is starting to help clean the bathroom. They also pick up their room at the end of each day. I'm happy that for now at least, they enjoy their chores and helping out!

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