Thursday, March 17, 2016

First Outing

Today I finally braved taking all 3 kids out by myself. I had us all dressed (in something green!) and ready to go in time to drive to Brenham for lunch. I've been wanting to take Levi to the Southern Flyer Diner, located at the Brenham airport. We got to see a few planes from a distance and watched one land just as we were leaving. It was pretty neat and they had a good time. For dessert, we stopped at the Bluebell Factory for a scoop of ice cream. They aren't open for tours yet, but you can still stop by the store and parlor where a large scoop of ice cream is $1. After that, we headed home. Not too bad for a first outing with just the kids and me. Hailey slept the entire time!

Mattie had the perfect shirt on!

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