Saturday, March 12, 2016

First 2 Weeks

The first couple of weeks have blown by and before it all becomes a blur, here are some memories.

Levi and Mattie are always wanting to hold Hailey but she's usually eating or sleeping so they haven't had too many opportunities.

First bath - she seemed to enjoy the water.

My kids!

Our family

My Mom, aka Gram, came and stayed with us for 2 1/2 weeks to help out. The end of my pregnancy was quite miserable with heartburn, swelling, trouble breathing and sleeping, and aches and pains. She was a saint and kept my kitchen clean, clothes washed, and played outside with Levi and Mattie for hours on their playground and taking them for long hikes around the property. She didn't get to hold Hailey very much because she was busy doing everything else, so this was a rare moment. Thank you Mom!

I've been trying to capture one of her big smiles:

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