Saturday, March 12, 2016

Clem Number 5

Hailey Grace made her debut ahead of schedule on Friday, February 26th at 2:49 am. I had been having contractions all day Thursday but in no set pattern until about 10 pm. I had 4 contractions 10 minutes apart, then they went to 5 minutes apart. Being over an hour away from the hospital, I quickly called my parents to come over and Justin and I hopped in the car. We had already loaded our bags because I was supposed to have a repeat c-section that Friday at 11:30 anyway. Hailey just decided to move the schedule up. Unfortunately, my doctor was not the one on call which was really disappointing. (Nothing against the doctor that did it, but I wanted MY doctor.) The whole way to the hospital I had contractions 3-4 minutes apart and was 5 cm dilated when we got there. It was another 2 hours almost from the time we checked in until they finally had everyone there for the c-section and I finally got my spinal/epidural. I was SO ready for it. Hailey was 7 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long with a head full of blonde fuzz and blue eyes. We didn't decide on her name until after we met her.

Going home. She slept the whole way!

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