Sunday, November 13, 2016

Halloween Festivities

The trick or treating fun began Saturday night, October 29th at Guadalupe River State Park. They had a trick or treat along the trail event that we decided to try out. It was a lot of fun but it sure got dark fast! Next year I need to remember a flashlight - I can't use the light on my phone and take pics at the same time. And a big thanks to my mom for helping me out with everything!

Before starting on the trail, we had to listen to a storytelling witch. Levi was enthralled with her story.

One of the candy stops was sponsored by a fire department! They loved Levi's costume.

Then of course we went trick or treating on Halloween night. We went to a neighborhood in Boerne since neither we nor my parents live in a place where we can go door to door. And their neighborhood didn't do the hay ride this year :(

It was really the perfect place - everybody was outside, houses were decorated, and there were TONS and TONS of people out and about. The kids had fun and were completely worn out and tired from it. Success!

My little flamingo was stuck in my carrier for all of the fun.

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