Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Emergency Room

I successfully found the ER Saturday night with Levi. We aren't sure what he did, but he was supposed to be in bed and going to sleep. All of a sudden he was screaming murder. After running in, we discovered his arm hurt. He screamed if we moved it, touched it, etc. We thought for sure it was broken and so we loaded him up in the car and I rushed to the local hospital in Columbus. It really didn't take much longer than 15 minutes to get there and I put a movie on in the car to keep Levi distracted (it worked). We were seen right away and the nurses and doctor were really nice. Levi was still screaming when the nurse looked at him and she thought it was broken too. But not long after that, he started playing with the zipper on his pj's - with his "hurt" arm. Then proceeded to crawl on the floor and growl. And give the doctor high fives with it when he finally came in.  Needless to say, it hurt him like the dickens for a little while and then was magically better. They gave him some Tylenol with codeine (which seemed to have zero effect on him) and we went back home. I really thought I would be posting a picture of him with his arm in a cast, but I am happy I am not. Guess we are meeting our deductible early this year. And now I know where to go the next time...

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