We had to do a lot of clearing for the spot we decided to build the house at. It is situated behind the cabin and a little bit closer to the front road, just due to the natural slope our property has and to eliminate having to cut down a bunch of oak trees. The way we ended up situating the house we only had to cut down 1 oak, everything else we mulched or cut down were cedars. We ended up paying somebody with a hydro mulch to come in and clear all the underbrush and shred several trees. Then Justin cut down a bunch more trees and we hired some guys to clean those logs up and stack them.
Here is the land before any work was really done:
And here is the same area after the first day with the hydro mulcher (it took a few days to do it all):
Here is before (below) and after (above) picture from the same spot:
All that red are mulched cedar trees. It was extremely fragrant.
A few more before and after compilations:
SO MUCH MULCH! You can see all the trees that disappeared in this before and after:
We sold a good amount of these logs to a lumber mill and had our fireplace mantel made from one of them too.
Some of the root balls we need to burn at some point.
All cleared and broken through the front tree line so trucks can get back here. This one burn pile went on for a good week.
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