Friday, July 21, 2017

Red, White, and Blueberries

At the end of June, I called up the farm we picked blueberries at a couple of years ago to see if we could come out again. She told me to get out there that week because they were almost all gone already! So we made it out that week, for as early in the morning as I knew I could have us all dressed and ready and there. We ended up with about 4 1/2 pounds of blueberries, enough to fill my 3.5 quart colander. I'll be honest, I like blueberries in things, but I've never liked just eating them plain. These are an exception. They are so much fresher, sweeter, and tastier than anything I've had from a store. And the kids love them!

She got the hang of picking berries really quick. I can't tell you how many she ate. She was in heaven and NOT happy to leave.

 She wanted a picture with Mom too. With a mouth full of blueberries.

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