Due to his late summer birthday, I kept Levi home this year instead of starting Kindergarten. I talked to numerous people to gather thoughts and opinions and really debated what to do. In the end, I went with my gut to delay him. I'm not worried about how he'd do in Kindergarten, but more so for first grade and later when school really gets serious. He's smart and loves to learn but he is not one to sit still and stay at a desk all day. I'm pretty sure his teachers will thank me later. So instead, for his "gap year" as I'm calling it, we're doing our own version of Kindergarten at home. I'm not following any curriculum (I did look into several) but instead doing our own thing. We started when the local school district started so we can follow the same schedule for the most part. A couple of weeks in now and we're both doing great! I am able to be a lot more patient with him (it's a miracle! God must be hearing my prayers to grant me more patience!) and he is learning a ton and absolutely loving it. He can't wait to do school each day. We only do a couple of hours at a time but that is plenty for us and we get a lot done. So here is his "first day of school" picture.

Mattie always hangs out at the table with us. Some things she can do too or I modify for her. She's even completed a little "Same or Different" workbook that she enjoyed working in. And how she picks up things! Whereas Levi seems to be a visual learner, Mattie is definitely auditory. She listens to everything I tell him and I hear her repeating it later. Her preschool teachers told me last year that they always called her the valedictorian of the class because even though she was the youngest, she seemed way ahead in some of her critical thinking and reasoning skills. She really is one smart cookie.
This is when she spelled "Mom" on the fridge from hearing Levi say it.
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