Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Play

The last couple of days have been cold but sunny and beautiful. After so much dreary, rainy weather recently, it was a nice change! The kids have definitely been going stir crazy with cabin fever, so we spent several hours each day playing outside in lieu of nap time. I figured their teachers will appreciate it today as it is once again raining. We went down to the pond, walked around the property, played on the playground, dug in the dirt, played chase and tug of war with the dog, were pirates, did chalk drawings and concluded yesterday with painting before we came inside for some hot chocolate. I won't lie, I wasn't outside the whole time with them - I was in and out intermittently getting laundry and dishes and other chores done. But this pregnant mama did her best to play with them while also allowing lots of independent play.

Having fun screaming as loud as they can

Levi's rainbow

And the tree he was painting. He added more to it but I didn't take a picture of the final masterpiece.

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