Thursday, November 5, 2015

Oh Deer!

The deer proliferate in my parent's neighborhood and many come running as soon as you throw out any food scraps or deer corn. They are so comfortable around humans that a few will come right up and eat out of your hand - whether you want them to or not! Levi and Mattie enjoyed feeding this Mama deer some bread and feeling her sticky tongue lick their hands. There were several more deer standing just off the porch, but they just waited until the bread was thrown to them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween Hay Ride

For Halloween this year, I took the kids to my parent's house again to do the annual hayride through the neighborhood. It makes trick or treating so much easier! And we got tons of good candy - only 16.2 pounds this year. I sent a bunch with my sister to take to work and some to my Grandmother as well but we still brought plenty home with us. Levi was a pirate this year and Mattie was Minnie Mouse.

Levi's costume was pretty simple. A long sleeved striped shirt that I bought a size big from Wal-Mart that he can grow into and use, a piece of red fabric for the sash (that I already had), and his sword, eye patch, and hook all leftover from his pirate birthday party. Voila!

I just bought Mattie this dress and ears set from Wal-Mart, from the dress up section in the toy department. She is a happy girl. I just put a long sleeve pink shirt and some pants on underneath and she was good to go!

I tried to get them to take a picture together. This was about the best I got. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Whack a Bird

We frequently hear a thud as a bird flies into a window on our cabin. I guess we really blend in with our surroundings. Most of the time they just keep on going, but sometimes they hit so hard that they are dazed, confused, and can't or won't fly off right away. Today we had one of those.

This little guy (or gal) didn't appear to have any injuries. He did keep curling up one foot, but I don't know if that is related to his collision or not. Nor did it seem to bother him. Levi ran inside to get his gloves so he could hold the bird too.

Mattie ran inside as well and came back out with "mittens" on. One is a mitten, the other is a sock. She cracks me up. I put my glove on her so she could hold the bird as well.

I finally put the bird on the edge of our bird bath, hoping it would regain its senses and fly away. It hung out there for quite awhile but the last time I looked and was about to go out and check on it, it was gone finally. I did go look around the bird bath but didn't see it on the ground anywhere so I'm going to assume a happy ending and that it finally flew home!