Saturday, September 26, 2015

Colorado County Fair and Rodeo

It's a Fall Friday night in Colorado county which can only mean one thing...the Livestock Fair and Rodeo! I'm sure there was a football game going on too, but I don't think the kids are quite ready for that yet. We ate a really early dinner and headed out to the grounds. We toured the animals that were shown and Levi was invited to pet the 4th place heffer.

After checking out the goats, rabbits, chickens and pigs, we went over to the petting zoo to pet and feed the animals there.

After we walked around and checked everything out, we headed back to the rodeo arena to sign Levi up for mutton bustin'. We were only third in line so he would have made the list, but when I found out that the event wouldn't happen until about 9:15 pm (it was only 6:15 at the time), we said no way, Levi's not going to make it that long. He no longer takes naps and has always been an early to bed, early to rise kind of kid. So we didn't sign him up. We went back over to the fair and bought tickets so the kids could do some rides.

Daddy got to do this spinning monkey ride with Levi; Mattie was too short.

After the rides, Momma got her funnel cake, the kids got ice cream, and we went to get seats in the stands for the rodeo. Justin ended up taking Levi down to get a better view. (We had also run into Lanky the Clown, who fashioned Levi a sword and scabbard.)

Us girls stayed in the stands. Mattie wanted a picture of us since I took a picture of Levi and Daddy.

After a quick walk through the exhibit hall, we headed home. We managed to keeps the kids awake on the way home, but Levi was very adament that he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He was asleep in bed by 9. I'm glad we didn't waste $20 signing him up for mutton bustin'!

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