Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Outside Play

We have been blessed with beautiful weather here recently so we've been spending lots of time outside playing. I think we played outside yesterday for a good 5 1/2 hours. The kids and I played soccer, dug in the dirt, played pirates on the playground, went for walks, had a picnic lunch, and climbed trees. I've been so busy playing with them that I haven't taken very many pictures lately. I made a point yesterday to get a few to post.

Here was our picnic lunch:

I climbed the tree first to show Levi how it was done. Then I helped him up. He liked it but was not interested in climbing any further. Mattie, however, was getting mad at me because I wouldn't let her go up the tree where I couldn't reach her. She's a little monkey.


Roasting Marshmallows

We had another bonfire the other day when it rained but it still had hot coals for days so we got it going again this weekend to finish burning a few more things. Since it was a beautiful day on Saturday while we burned, I grabbed some marshmallows and attempted to show Levi how to roast them. He somewhat enjoyed it (mostly seeing the fire up close) but he did not at all like the actual marshmallow. Weirdo. Just like his dad. But Mattie loved them and became a hot sticky mess!

Sorry, most of these are of my "good side"