Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Getting Ready for a Country Christmas

Due to our limited space, I didn't put up too many Christmas decorations. The front fence was the first thing I decorated right after Thanksgiving. I also put lights on the cabin (that nobody can see). I found a tall but skinny Christmas tree plus a couple of items on the mantle and I was done. I didn't want to get all the ornaments out of storage, so I used a few that we missed putting away last year or were ones I have bought recently at craft fairs. Then to complete our minimalist Christmas, the kids helped me make some cinnamon ornaments yesterday. I used the McCormick brand recipe and they turned out perfect!

I was so happy to get this yard sign from a craft fair this year. I saw them last year and wanted one but the guy had already sold out of them!

There were more presents under the tree, but I already took them to my parent's house when I visited this past weekend. We will have Christmas there this year.

Levi helped me pick out which shapes to use and both kids helped press the cookie cutters into the dough.

I let the kids play with the small piece of dough left. It kept Mattie entertained for about 15 minutes, Levi about 1 1/2 minutes.

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