Or 14 trees. We extended the tree line along our road fence with alternating live oak and water oak trees. We bought twelve 5 gallon size trees and two 15 gallon size. The bigger ones are on either side of the front gate. They are 20 feet apart as instructed by our neighbor, who was our hook-up for a great deal on all of the trees. Our neighbor works at a local tree farm, and although they are a wholesaler and don't sell to the public, we were able to score these trees below wholesale prices. They are considered second rate, unsellable trees. Due to growing crooked (supposedly) or the buds weren't up to par or whatever, these trees had been picked over by the buyers for the different retail outlets (nurseries and such). With that in mind, when we saw the trees for the first time, they looked like perfectly good trees to us. As long as they grow, they look good to me!
Unfortunately we don't have a post hole digger, so Justin did it all by hand. It took him awhile but they are finally all in. I filled up the 35 gallon tank and helped water them. :)
Daddy's helper
Just chewing on this deer rib bone I found.
Little helpers:
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