Sunday, October 12, 2014

Running in the Rain

After a few days of intermittent rain, I've been running out of things for the kids to do inside. We've colored on coloring books, a large plastic wipe off mat, painted watercolor pictures, played with shaving cream, built towers and train tracks, cooked in the play kitchen and made 2 batches of pumpkin bread in the real kitchen. Levi and Mattie needed to run. Outside. It was a pretty steady rain outside but no wind, lightning, or thunder. There was even some sunshine occasionally. So we put on our shoes and went outside to get wet. These 2 munchkins had a blast, running around, jumping in puddles, and generally getting wet and dirty outside. After stripping down and a quick spray with the hose to get the mud off their feet, they came back inside naked, happy, and with a smidgen less of energy to expel. Totally worth it.

Bella was enjoying the time outside too.

Levi found this puddle and they splashed and splashed in it, making their pants filthy.

And a bonus picture from earlier in the day:

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