Monday, July 28, 2014

Playing in July

It has been so hot lately that we haven't played much outside. The one day the "cold front" came through and made it possible, I did take the kids to the church around the corner to play on the playground. But the rest of the time we find things to do in the cabin...

Climb on everything...


Watch TV together...

Find a frog in your shoe.

Build forts with Mom.

Dress up in your brother's shoes.

Refuse to smile and cooperate to send a picture to Daddy.

Climb up in Mom's chair and push the back down to climb into the windowsill behind it. (Did I mention climb on everything?)

If we do go outside for 2 minutes, Levi sweats like this, then he took a selfie on my phone.

 So we all took a group selfie to send to Daddy at work. And Levi got his sweaty head all over me.

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