Monday, February 17, 2014

Preparing for Spring

I can't wait for the wildflowers to start blooming. There are a ton of baby bluebonnets around our fire pit area. I'm sure there are other flowers as well, but I don't know what they look like as "baby" plants.

These are the baby bluebonnets:

I also bought a bag of native wildflower seeds to plant, but we need to do it ASAP if we are going to get anything from them! Most wildflowers need to be planted in the fall, really around November.  But the planting season is through February so we are still within the time. The germination rate will be a lot lower than if we planted sooner but I still want to try and see what we can get. I also bought some zinnias and cosmos seeds to plant but I don't want to do those until after the last frost. And with this crazy weather we've had, I'm not chancing it yet. Although today it's almost 80 degrees...

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