Saturday, April 22, 2017

Easter Festivities

It has been a busy Easter. The Easter bunny hid the eggs at about 6:15 this morning, then made cinnamon rolls in time for the Levi and Mattie to be up about 7:00. After a delicious breakfast treat, Levi and Mattie dove into their baskets to see what goodies were waiting. As they played with their new toys, Hailey woke up and had her breakfast. Then she got to check out her basket. Once that was done, it was outside for the hunt! I made it clear that any eggs on the porch were Hailey's, then gave Mattie a minute head start on Levi. She collected 1 egg in that time. She is the world's slowest egg hunter and walks by a dozen right in front of her before finally picking one up. Levi filled up his basket in no time and I had to make him stop and hang out with Hailey on the porch so I could literally point out and pretty much pick up the remainder so Mattie could have some more. After that it was time to go to church. I had to hold and deal with Hailey the whole time and Levi and Mattie bounced around sitting with different members. I'm so glad we go to a small church. After the service there was an egg hunt with a ton of eggs. Finally, when all baskets (plus some) were full, we headed home. It was sandwiches for lunch and rest/nap time. Which means Levi and Mattie talk in their room and bother each other. After an afternoon that seemed to drag on, we sat down for dinner. I made a ribeye roast, fresh green beans, cornbread, black eyed peas, and brownies for dessert. It was delicious. This Easter bunny is exhausted!

OH MY GOSH! I'ts just what I've always wanted!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hailey Sunning

Hailey LOVES to go outside. She becomes very upset if she does not get to go out when anybody else does. She's happy walking around on the porch, swinging on the front porch swing or in her playground swing, and going for wagon rides. The other day we were outside and she laid down like this - head in the shade, the rest of her body in the warm sun. She stayed this way for about a minute, just soaking in some rays.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mattie's Birthday Part 2

For Mattie's actual birthday, we went to IHOP for breakfast so she could get one of her favorite foods, pancakes. Then later that night, after gymnastics, I took the kids to dinner. Mattie enjoyed having the waiters sing Happy Birthday to her and lots of whipped cream on chocolate ice cream! She had a great first day of officially being 4.