Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Flying Through Late Summer

August just seemed to fly by. We spent some time visiting each set of grandparents, doing odds and ends around the house, and preparing for school. I'm still driving over 45 miles to take the kids to their preschool twice a week because I just LOVE the program they are in. And the fact that Levi has been excited all summer for school to start just confirms that he's in a good place. Mattie was old enough to start this year, too, which I have been REALLY EXCITED about. I was a little worried how she would do because she's a tad clingier than Levi was (that is to say, he was not clingy AT ALL) but she has been a champ! 2 days done and she hasn't cried yet! Her teachers say that she is just so happy, chatty, busy and friendly and is having a blast playing all day. She's even napped on her nap mat both days!

First day of school:

What a great picture. Mattie is channeling Miley Cyrus and Levi is scratching his behind. Yep, those are my kids.

Levi needs to work on his "cheese" face.

Some of the odds and ends include a couple of sewing projects I completed. I made a couple of cloth books that the kids enjoy looking at, an apron for my sister, and another dress for Mattie. 

  Don't mind the lovely model (haha!) and check out this awesome apron!

I think I took these pictures around midnight when I finished sewing it. I'm very happy with how it turned out. I made my own pattern copying an apron I own.

And here's Mattie's dress and little hair bow I made to match. I couldn't just pick a couple of this cutie so be prepared for the onslaught of Mattie pictures (and yes, she has a bruise in the middle of her forehead). There's a Spirit that can ne'er be told...