Justin started clearing out some brush and small trees to start carving out a driveway to the potential house pad site. He wasn't sure what the tractor would be able to handle so he did a few test runs on Saturday before really getting into it on Sunday. I tried to take a few shots in the same place so you can see the before and after. My before shots are from what he did on Saturday. The tractor did an awesome job and so did Justin! We were still a little unsure if the spot we were thinking for a house would work, but after he cleared out what he did, we are much more positive that it is the right place.
You can barely see the beautiful oak trees.
Now you can start to see that oak tree to the left of the tractor!
I told him this could be his profile picture for "Farmers Only" dating site, if he were a single man.
This was mid-way through Sunday, finally pushing further into the woods!
My sweaty, nasty, stinky man. No hugs but I'll give him a kiss.
Bella and I checking out the new trail.

And this stinker was supposed to be laying down taking a nap but he had been watching Daddy in the window. He put on his shoes and came running out after me.