Wednesday, April 9, 2014

All About Mattie

I failed to get a decent shot of Mattie in the Bluebonnets due to her complete displeasure of the experience but she was quite happy to run around in our driveway. Below are a bunch of my cute little lovebug enjoying her freedom outside.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Texas Bluebonnets

If you live in Texas, you have to take pictures in the Bluebonnets. And this year, we are able to do it in our own front yard! We have lots of blooming wildflowers but I'll do a post on those another day. I've been enjoying taking pictures of the large variety that populate our land. I need to get a book and do some research to find out what all of them are - some I know but many I don't.

Here are the kiddos in our bluebonnets; Levi was being a lion and Mattie was not at all entertained.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Working the Land

Justin clearing some of the limbs and brush that littered our land after that March ice storm. We'll be having one heck of a bonfire at some point!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mattie's 1st Birthday

On Mattie's actual birthday we went to story time at the library and met Daddy for lunch. She was all dressed up for her big day and received lots of compliments on how adorable she is.

Saturday we threw her a small birthday party with family and the neighbors. Justin grilled some burgers, I made the cake and decorations sticking to a polka dot theme. Everything was bright and colorful. The weather was beautiful and perfect to sit out on the picnic tables and celebrate.

Polka dot cake

With polka dots inside! Thank you, Pinterest.

Oh yeah, in the hair.

Caption this, please. How cute is this picture?

After a bath, we went inside to open presents.


 It was a great day!